Anti-inflammatory gel “Ekodezmast”

Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and moisturizing gel that covers the skin with a thin, greasy layer and thus protects it from dryness. Protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. After using the gel, the skin becomes elastic, soft and does not crack. Ekodezmast has an antiseptic effect, acts against inflammation and congestion, quickly absorbed into the affected skin.

350 uah

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Ekodezmast is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, moisturizing gel, covers the skin with a thin, greasy layer and thus protects it from the drying caused by frequent hand washing and hand disinfection during milking. It protects the udder skin from the harmful effects of the surrounding environment, which is especially important for cows in winter. At that time the udder skin is exposed to moisture, cold and wind.

After using the gel, the skin becomes elastic, soft and does not crack. Ekodezmast has an antiseptic effect as it reduces the number of skin microorganisms.  In addition, Ekodezmast acts antiseptic and anti-protective and is quickly absorbed into the affected skin.


Primary skin lesions, infectious and allergic form of dermatosis, mastitis (in complex therapy), subclinical mastitis, udder and teat skin protection from drying (after milking), as well as milkers hands; udder edema; cracked skin, verrucas, insect bites, and other skin crusty spots; damaged areas, inflammation, circular calluses in the teat apex area; infectious and septic diseases that are caused by microbial associations of viruses, bacteria and fungi; abscesses, microbial eczema, hematomas; phlebitis, periphlebitis, lymphangitis, tendinitis. To neutralize the negative effects of various chemicals (pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, heavy metals), hypersensitivity reactions.

No restrictions on the use of milk during the prevention and treatment of mastitis.


The gel is non-toxic, contains no dyes or fragrances.

  • Hydroxide 1,8,3,6-diendomethylene-1,3,6,8-tetrazacyclodecane
  • Tincture of Echinacea purpurea herb
  • Menthol
  • Calendula extract
  • Chamomile Extract
  • Licorice extract
  • Carbomer

Instructions for use:

  • The udder and teats are lubricated with gel after each milking. If necessary, the milker lubricates her hands after milking.
  • Mastitis: when the first sign of the disease appears, the udder and teats are intensively lubricated and massaged. Procedures should be repeated every 4 hours until clinical signs of the disease disappear. This treatment is complementary and is used only in combination with treatment.
  • For all subsequent examples, the gel is used 2-3 times a day and the procedures are repeated until the improvement of the overall condition of the animal:
  • Udder edema: the udder is intensively lubricated and massaged.
  • Burns, insect bites and other crusty spots on skin: the affected places are lubricated with a thick layer.
  • Affected places, bruises, phlebitis, periphlebitis, lymphangitis, tendonitis: the affected places are lubricated thickly and massaged for quite some time.

It is recommended to protect them with a bandage, so that animals could not lick the gel from the sore spots, thus further traumatizing them, as this would inhibit the healing.

Production form:

Polymeric containers of 320 g, 100 g and 50 g.

Storage conditions

Dry, dark, ventilated premise at a temperature of 0 °С to 25 °C.

Shelf life

2 years.


  1. Ксенія

    Рекомендую всім з проблемами маститу.

  2. Олег

    Мазь гарно лікує ранки на вимені, переконався на трьох козах в різний час.

  3. Пантелеймон

    Після уколів мастит не вилікувався до кінця. Почав робити масаж і застосовувати мазь, сам собі не повірив, но мастит, Слава Богу, пройшов! )

  4. Наталія Мар’янченко

    В нас величеньке господарство: птиця, кози, свині. Щоб створити тваринам комфортні умови і уникнути хвороб користуємося дезенфекторами від ЗВК Кліносан та Йодоклін. Дуже гарно підсушують підстилку і прибирають сторонні запахи в приміщенні. Влітку більше використовуємо Йодоклін, він має запах йоду, який відлякує мух.
    Ще в нашому господарстві гарно зарекомендував себе гель для вимені Екодезмаст. Знімає запалення та набряк, а ще пом’якшує та зволожує шкіру не тільки вимені, але й собі руки можна мастити, результат неперевершений

  5. Надія

    Чудовий засіб щоб не було маститів у корів!

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